We help communities recover, rebuild and reimagine after disaster

Ready for Rain: Land Care After Wildfire

Rain is coming! This is a recording of the October 2021 Community to Community meeting of the Wildfire Survivor Network. We heard from environmental scientists and land managers who have years of experience caring for burned land after wildfire. Hear about best practices, strategies, tools and lessons learned in private and public wildland areas.

Work to care for land after wildfire is an ongoing for several years. Find out how to best steward a regenerative landscape. #wildfire #californiawildfire #oregonwildfire #rainafterwildfire #resilientlandscape #watershed #debrisflow #fireecology #disasterrecovery

(scroll down for links to resources mentioned in this video)

Our Panelists and Resources in order of appearance:

1. Caitlin Cornwall, biologist who leads planning and partnerships, and advises on technical projects, at Sonoma Ecology Center, where she has worked since 1998. She is the project director for Sonoma Valley Collaborative, a cross-sector coalition addressing challenges to Sonoma Valley’s people, economy, and environment, such as housing affordability. A Sonoma County native, she is the lead author of the Biodiversity Action Plan for Sonoma County, the Climate Resilience Roadmap for Sonoma County, and Homes for a Sustainable Sonoma Valley. Her areas of expertise are land use ecology, watershed health indicators, communicating with nontechnical audiences, and building diverse, successful partnerships. After the 2017 North Bay fires, she led hundreds of people on “fire recovery walks” in burned areas. Caitlin has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in botany, and lives in Sonoma.
Helpful Links from Sonoma Ecology Center:
caitlin @ sonomaecologycenter.org or 707-322-1400
USGS Study of landslides risk in the West: https://landslides.usgs.gov/hazards/postfire_debrisflow/
Sonoma County’s Extension website is https://cesonoma.ucanr.edu/

2. Lisa Micheli, President and CEO of Pepperwood Foundation, and Director on the After the Fire Board. Dr. Micheli has over 25 years experience applying her technical, policy, and fundraising expertise to the design and implementation of ecological restoration, research and education programs. She completed her graduate studies at UC Berkeley as a NASA Earth Systems Research Fellow in 2000 and now focuses her research on relationships between watershed health and biodiversity. She is the co-chair of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Collaborative (TBC3), a Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Bay Area climate adaptation research initiative. She joined Sonoma County’s Pepperwood Foundation in October of 2009 as its premiere Executive Director.
Helpful Links:
A set of recommendations Pepperwood put out to land managers last year: https://www.pepperwoodpreserve.org/project/post-fire-forest-monitoring-tools/

3. Maya Elson, Executive Director of CoRenewal and Mycological Educator. Elson organized post fire mitigation methods in Santa Cruz after the 2020 CZU Lightning Complex Fires. She is a teacher, naturalist, mycologist, organizer and lover of the wild. As the Executive Director of CoRenewal, she is dedicated to enacting effective and just solutions to environmental and social crises by working in collaboration with fungi. As one of the founding members of the Radical Mycology network, she’s worked on various fungal cultivation and educational projects in Olympia, WA and the San Francisco Bay area.
Helpful links:
www.corenewal.org, you can reach Maya and the CoRenewal team at corenewalinc@gmail.com
CoRenewal's recent webinar on post fire bioremediation: https://www.amazonmycorenewal.org/lessons-learned-in-post-fire-bioremediation.html

4. Rachel Werling is the faculty coordinator for the Oregon State University’s Forestry and Natural Resources Land Steward Program based in Jackson County, OR. The Land Steward course is a multidisciplinary nine week training on managing rural land including forest health and fire preparedness. She has created wildfire preparedness educational materials and workshops. She is a professional botanist and the president for the Siskiyou Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.
OSU Fire program https://extension.oregonstate.edu/forests/fire
Webinar series https://extension.oregonstate.edu/fire-program/online-webinar-guide
Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District https://www.jswcd.org/almeda-obenchain-wildfire-relief
Overcoming Reforestation Challenges Resourceshttps://oregonstate.app.box.com/s/330fj32no8395qmsxpsxwkaok9ffyvme
Get in touch with Rachel:rachel.werling @ oregonstate.edu