We help communities recover, rebuild and reimagine after disaster

PANEL New Service Delivery Models in the Era of Megafire

The After the Fire USA Wildfire Leadership Summit
September 20-22, 2022 in Sonoma, CA

PANEL: New Service Delivery Models in the Era of Megafire
MODERATOR: Jennifer Gray Thompson, CEO, After the Fire USA
Jen Goodlin, Executive Director, Rebuild Paradise Foundation
Bailey Farren, CEO, Perimeter
Steve Newton, Founder, Innomergence Solutions
Tanni Swisher, Program Director, Santiam Disaster Services

Contact the Panelists:
Rebuild Paradise https://www.rebuildparadise.org/contact-us-we-want-to-hear-from-you/
Perimeter https://perimeterplatform.com/contact-us/
Innomergence https://innomergence.com/
Santiam Disaster Services https://www.santiamrecovery.org/dcm

Day 3 of the Summit is all about futures and innovation. The scale and impact of megafire necessitates that we revise our approach to response and recovery programs. This panel focuses on how people are now delivering help to deliver emergency services, social services, rebuilding services and more in new ways that more nimble and responsive. The panelists have all been through wildfire themselves, and are both innovators and leaders in their work to serve in recovery and reimagining our future approaches to wildfire disaster.

#wildfireleadershipsummit #perimeterproject #perimeter #santiamcanyon #disastercasemanager #emergencyresponse #innomergence #innomergencesolutions

After The Fire USA hosted a three-day conference for networking, knowledge sharing, and capacity building to address the problem of Megafires in the US. The Wildfire Leadership Summit took place at the Hanna Center in Sonoma, California and was built from a coalition of wildfire communities, wildfire recovery and resilience organizations, and local community groups, regional, national partners, funders, and leaders.
Thank you to the major sponsor of the Leadership Summit, Fannie Mae and their Disaster Response Network.
Thanks to our Summit host Hanna Center and to The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) for their generous contribution, for the travel support provided by Alaska Airlines and thanks to Wednesday’s evening film event sponsor Obsidian Wine Company.
For more information about After The Fire USA, or the Wildfire Leadership Summit, please visit AfterTheFireUSA.org or email @info@AfterTheFireUSA.org.