We help communities recover, rebuild and reimagine after disaster

PANEL Before the Fire Land Management Projects and Programs

The After the Fire USA Wildfire Leadership Summit
September 20-22, 2022 in Sonoma, CA

PANEL: Before the Fire: Land Management Projects and Programs
MODERATOR: Lisa Micheli, Ph.D., President and CEO, Pepperwood Preserve and After the Fire USA Board Member
Marko Bey, Founder and Executive Director, Lomakatsi Restoration Project and After the Fire USA Board Member
Che Casul, CEO, Circuit Rider Community Services
Jessica Morse, Deputy Secretary for Forest and Wildland Resilience for the CA Natural Resources Agency
Molly Curley O'Brien, Director of Grants and Government Programs, After the Fire USA

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Dr. Lisa Micheli, the President and CEO of Pepperwood Preserve moderates a discussion about how to build resilience before wildfire happens. By using science and research-based methods, indigenous practices, and resource conservation the landscape can improve its resilience naturally. Dr. Micheli speaks about how the Pepperwood Preserve is a ‘living laboratory’ for testing and applying these ecological practices just to the north of Santa Rosa. Joining her in the conversation are practitioners and experts in these methodologies, who share practical examples of doing this work, the challenges involved, and the benefits both for the community's risk of wildfire destruction and for the ecosystem's health overall.

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