Guest Host: Scott Adams SERIES: Role of the Private Sector
“That whole idea of what being a citizen means is that we all have responsibilities to make our government work and to make our communities stronger.” -Cynthia Murray
Episode Description:
The private sector is no doubt one of the first to be greatly affected in the event of a disaster. While we are all looking to revive the economy, some changes must be implemented first. Our guest, Cynthia Murray, the CEO of North Bay Leadership Council refers to this as the "next normal." Scott and Cynthia discuss the responsibilities of citizens and leaders in rebuilding a stronger, more resilient community. They also talk about rescaling and upskilling, equity, upstream investments, and more. We are an ecosystem, interconnected with each other. If we work together, the extent of what we can rebuild is unimaginable. Tune in and discover the power of collective will!
Connect with After The Fire:
02:58: The Next Normal
07:56: How to Prepare Businesses
16:03: VUCA Times
20:37: Investment Matters
24:02: Build a Collective Will
28:17: Break the Political Tension